Hella Battery disconnector

Price: 80.3180,31 Inc. VAT EUR
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Hella Battery disconnector | zdjęcie nr 1

Hella Battery disconnector

Product code: 4556EK 002843071


Price unit: piece
Pack of: 1
Fig. no.: 1
  • Version: Rotary switch for attachment and fitting
    Casing and control button made of plastic
    Various switches can be connected in a space-saving manner by removing the side wall. The red control button can only be taken off in a 45° position (anticlockwise).
    Sea water-resistant
    Connection: 2 screws Ø 10 mm
    Protection category: IP56 according to DIN/ISO 40 050
    Power rating: 225A (steady load) at 12/24V max. 1000A (10 sec.) at 12/24V Rotary operation Closer
  • Weight: 238 g

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